Sunday, August 23, 2020

A Short Summary of the Persian Wars

A Short Summary of the Persian Wars The term Greco-Persian Wars is believed to be less one-sided against the Persians than the more typical name Persian Wars, however the vast majority of our data about the wars originates from the champs, the Greek side. Greek antiquarian Peter Green describes it as a David and Goliath battle with David waiting for political and scholarly freedom against the solid religious Persian war machine. It wasnt only Greeks against Persians, nor were all the Greeks on the Greek side. Strife started before the typical beginning date of the Persian Wars; nonetheless, for down to earth purposes, the term Greco-Persian Wars covers the attacks of Greece by two Achaemenid Persian lords from around 492 B.C. to 449/448 B.C. Sooner than the (generally fizzled) endeavors by the Persian rulers Darius and Xerxes to control Greece, Persian King Cambyses had expanded the Persian Empire around the Mediterranean coast by engrossing Greek provinces. Some Greek poleis (Thessaly, Boeotia, Thebes, and Macedonia) joined Persia, as did other non-Greeks, including Phoenicia and Egypt, however numerous Greek poleis, under the authority of Sparta, particularly ashore, and under the strength of Athens, adrift, restricted the Persian powers. Prior to their intrusion of Greece, Persians had been confronting revolts inside their own region. During the Persian Wars, revolts inside Persian regions proceeded. At the point when Egypt revolted, the Greeks helped them. Synopsis Locations: Various. Particularly Greece, Thrace, Macedonia, Asia MinorDates: c. 492-449/8 B.C.Winner: GreeceLoser: Persia (under kings Darius and Xerxes) When Were the Greco-Persian Wars? The Persian Wars are typically dated 492-449/448 B.C. Be that as it may, struggle began between the Greek poleis in Ionia and the Persian Empire before 499 B.C. There were two terrain attacks of Greece, in 490 (under King Darius) and 480-479 B.C. (under King Xerxes). The Persian Wars finished with the Peace of Callias of 449, however at this point, and because of activities taken in Persian War fights, Athens had built up her own domain. Struggle mounted between the Athenians and the partners of Sparta. This contention would prompt the Peloponnesian War during which the Persians opened their profound pockets to the Spartans. Medize Thucydides (3.61-67) says the Plataeans were the main Boeotiansâ who didn't Medize. To Medize was to submit to the Persian ruler as overlord. The Greeks alluded to the Persian powers all in all as Medes, not recognizing Medes from Persians. Moreover, we today dont recognize among the Greeks (Hellenes), however the Hellenes were not a unified power before the Persian attacks. Individual poleis could settle on their own political choices. Panhellenism (joined Greeks) got significant during the Persian Wars. Next, when the savage attacked Hellas, they state that they were the main Boeotians who didn't Medize; and this is the place they most praise themselves and misuse us. We state that on the off chance that they didn't Medize, it was on the grounds that the Athenians didn't do so either; similarly as a short time later when the Athenians assaulted the Hellenes they, the Plataeans, were again the main Boeotians who Atticized. ~Thucydides Singular Battles During the Persian Wars first NaxosSardisEphesusLade2nd NaxosEretriaMarathonThermopylaeArtemisiumSalamisPotideaOlynthusPlataeaMycaleSestusByzantiumEionDoriskosEurymedonProsopitisSalamis and Cyprus End of the War The last skirmish of the war had prompted the demise of the Athenian chief Cimon and the annihilation of the Persian powers in the zone, yet it didnt give conclusive force in the Aegean to the other side or the other. The Persians and Athenians were both worn out and after Persian suggestions, Pericles sent Callias to the Persian capital of Susa for exchanges. As indicated by Diodorus, the terms gave the Greek poleis in Ionia their self-sufficiency and the Athenians made a deal to avoid battling against the Persian ruler. The settlement is known as the Peace of Callias. Chronicled Sources Herodotus is the chief source on the Persian Wars, from Croesus of Lydias triumph of the Ionian poleis to the tumble off Sestus (479 B.C.).Thucydides gives a portion of the later material. There are additionally later chronicled authors, including Ephorus in the fourth century B.C., whose work is lost with the exception of parts, yet was utilized byDiodorus Siculus, in the first century A.D. Enhancing these are Justin (under Augustus) in his Epitome of Pompeius Trogus,Plutarch (second century A.D.) Biographies andPausanias (second century A.D.) Geography. Notwithstanding chronicled sources, there is Aeschylus play The Persians. Key Figures Greek MiltiadesThemistoclesEurybiadesLeonidasPausaniasCimonPericles Persian Darius IMardoniusDatisArtaphernesXerxesArtabazusMegabyzus There were later fights among Romans and Persians, and considerably another war that may be thought of as Greco-Persian, the Byzantine-Sassanid War, in the sixth and mid seventh century A.D.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How does Baz Luhrmann interpret Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Essay

How does Baz Luhrmann decipher Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - Essay Example This exploration will start with the explanation that Baz Luhrmann’s rehash of Shakespeare’s great Rome and Juliet delineates the exemplary disaster through a visual kaleidoscope of Hong Kong activity picture standards of tumult and shading. The Luhrmann creation is capricious, moving the area to Verona Los Angeles.â The trademark utilization of shading is compared against the distressing scenery of pack fighting, which penetrates all through the film.â At the start of the film, Luhrmann opens with the preface. As a conspicuous difference to the notable Zeferelli rendition of the catastrophe, Luhrmann’s passes on the preface as a newsreel on the TV as a news report. The initial successions and title scenes of the film assumes a fundamental job in drawing in the crowd and setting up the crowd regarding what's in store from the film with extraordinary effect.â This places the crowd quiet. The initial arrangements and title scenes of the two movies assume a cr ucial job in drawing in the crowd and setting up the crowd concerning what's in store from the film with incredible effect.â Moreover, Luhrmann utilizes speedy flashes of the introduction toward the start of the film either as paper title texts or in strong composition. Lurhmann’s visual story mirrors Shakespeare’s utilization of imagery in the initial scene as there seems a wrecked ring on the screen. This represents the awfulness of Romeo and Juliet’s romantic tale and further mirrors Shakespeare’s lexical method of sensational incongruity in his prose.â

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Political And Legal Environment Of International Businesses - 1650 Words

The Political And Legal Environment Of International Businesses (Coursework Sample) Content: Political and Legal Environment of International Business Name Institutional Affiliation Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc522646356" Executive summary  PAGEREF _Toc522646356 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc522646357" 1.0 Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc522646357 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc522646358" 2.0 Political and legal environment of international business  PAGEREF _Toc522646358 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc522646359" 2.1 Examining how political environment and frequent changes within its realm impacts international business  PAGEREF _Toc522646359 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc522646360" 2.2 Examining how legal environment and frequent changes within its realm impacts international business  PAGEREF _Toc522646360 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc522646361" 3.0 Recommendations and conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc522646361 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc522646362" 3.1 Recommendation(s)  ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Discuss the Roles of Language and Reason in History

Discuss the roles of language and reason in history. History as the area of knowledge is virtually indivisible from language and reasoning. Language is one of the most potent means of interpreting and reporting historical information that is derived from the sources pertinent to the events and occurrences. The sources themselves, in their turn, are frequently presented by the written documents, recorded anecdotal experiences, and works of art, archeology, anthropology and photography which, yet again, are interpreted through the language in conjunction with the context of a historical event. It appears to be an endless loop, where language is the alpha and omega, the main vehicle of†¦show more content†¦Here, historical event calls for the help of reasoning, which can raise further questions to authorities that put the entire responsibility on the Al-Qaeda. The more scientific and factual evidence emerges from the research, the more controversial this event seems to be. But it is for an individual to arrive to a conclusion pr ovided he or she is concerned with the issue. However, the prevailing opinion that was projected into the minds of the public by mass media remains adamant: the terrorist group dealt a tremendous blow to the democracy of the United States and must pay for it. Hence, there is a fully justifiable war with Iraq, the country which has a doubtful connection with Al-Qaeda, apart from the fact that it is run by a dictator and constitutes a predominantly Muslim society. But the non-Muslim world has already been contaminated by the fear of Muslims who seem to be nearly synonymous with â€Å"terrorists†. â€Å"Thus, [†¦] crowds have come,[†¦] to acquire a profound antipathy for the images evoked by certain words†2 and fully accepted the justification for the war in Iraq. Reasoning is an indispensable tool for those who wish to form a personal opinion on historical events which are presented through language. Yet this process entails searching for the information from the alternative sources. Language is used as a powerful vehicle inShow MoreRelatedDiscuss the Roles of Language and Reason in History1695 Words   |  7 PagesTOK- Essay Question 9 â€Å"Discuss the roles of language and reasoning in history† 1451 words Nadia Lotze 000 865-015 Mr Skeoch History is the past written by the present. The very nature of this statement creates the predicament of historical knowledge. The historians of the present are under constant pressure of rapidly changing society; therefore what we discover from the past is dependent on our perceptions that are forever changing. History and historical explanations are deduced and manipulatedRead MoreVowel and British Poetry Assignment784 Words   |  4 Pagesclass your teacher would have discussed your assignment with you, pointed out what made a good essay and what a bad one. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Critical Essay A Synthesis Of Action - 1467 Words

Critical Essay: A Synthesis of Action Though simple in manner and disposition, the notion of action is often far more intricate and complex than many would perceive it. Ranging from engagement in national violence or the following of nonviolent beliefs, to the extent of choosing not to perform at all, action is capable of taking countless forms throughout the world even if society is oblivious to its existence. After reading the various texts that were explored during the semester course, the theme of action appears frequently throughout the collection of religious and philosophical subject matter. Although prevalent in these selected texts, the theme is widely diverse in the text’s approach to either the ideology of action, how the characters in the text exemplify action, or another means to answering the question, â€Å"how should one act?† To illustrate this notion, the use of action was examined as it pertained to the texts The Bhagavad Gita, The Trial and Death of Socrates, and the Daodejing. As it was portrayed in The Bhagavad Gita, action was discussed through the perspective of one’s duty or obligation to act. In The Trial and Death of Socrates, action was shown on the principle of supporting one’s own beliefs. Regarding the ideologies of the Taoist philosophy and tradition, the Daodejing touches on how one’s actions may be interpreted or made sense of in a different context of action. Foremost, the theme of action is portrayed in the thought-provoking text The BhagavadShow MoreRelatedMy Career Goals For A Surgical Missionary1256 Words   |  6 Pagesstudent learning outcomes such as applying critical thinking and reading skills to a variety of texts and employing appropriate writing strategies for each assignment’s audience and purpose. However, my writing needs to continue to improve in other areas, such as demonstrating correctness in the written conventions of University discourse. One of the student learning outcomes through which I was able to see my writing improve this semester was applying critical thinking and reading skills to a varietyRead MoreSocial Justice Syllabus1518 Words   |  7 Pages510-912-2126 ELA Dept. 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When I found the right video, I knew it would be perfect for my essay. Even though we were supposed to use mostly our ownRead MoreImpossibility of Certainty in Hamlet1296 Words   |  6 Pagesbalanced but significantly dissonant sentence serves to highlight that there is something suspect and â€Å"Rotten† in the state of Denmark. Claudius further enforces the idea that nothing can really be trusted. Similarly, the relationship between the actions and internal thought processes of human beings is evident in the scheming Polonius. Polonius is also a man with little integrity capable of great deceit. He tells his son Laertes, â€Å"To thine own self be true† (I.iii.84). But later Polonius enlistsRead MoreSynthesis Essay : James H. Doolittle1391 Words   |  6 PagesSynthesis Essay - James H. Doolittle MSgt Leonard O. Bravo Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy Synthesis Essay - James H. 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Song of Solomon Essay Example For Students

Song of Solomon Essay Song of Solomon is the story of Milkmans search for identity. He appears destined for a life of isolation and self-alienation. The Deads exemplify the patriarchal, nuclear family that has been a stable and critical feature of American society. The family is the institution for producing children, maintaining them, and providing individuals with the means to understand their place in the world order. But this same nuclear patriarchal structure of the family itself creates the problems it should be solving. What represses the Deads is the father, Macon: his single-minded ambition, his unscrupulous greed, his materialism, and his lack of nurturing his family. Macon does not concentrate on being a loving and nurturing father; instead he concentrates on another aspect of paternity, the acquisition of property. Macon aspires to own property and other people too. His words to his son, Let me tell you right now the one important thing that youll ever need to know: Own things. And let the thi ngs you own own other things too. Then youll own yourself and other people too. The owning of things as well as other people is a rather remarkable statement, coming from a descendant of slaves. Macon has not inherited this trait from his father, even though he mistakenly thinks so. His father had owned things that grew other things, not owned other things. Pilate Dead, Macons younger sister, is a marked contrast to her brother and his family. Macon has a love of property and money, and this determines the nature of his relationships with others. Pilate has a sheer disregard for status, occupation, hygiene, and manners, and has the capability to respect, love, and trust. Her self-sufficiency and isolation prevent her from being trapped or destroyed by the decaying values that threaten her brothers life. The first part of the novel details the birth of Macon Dead III, the first black baby to ever be born at Mercy Hospital, which has been named by the African American community as No-Mercy Hospital. He acquires the name Milkman when people learn that his mother is still nursing him long after it is considered normal to do so. His father, Macon Dead, is a cold, insensitive man who places undue importance on material wealth and intimidates all he comes into contact with. Macon forbids Milkman to visit his Aunt Pilate because her eccentric w ays, her unkempt appearance, and her stubborn insistence in making bootleg liquor embarrass him.Macon had loved his sister earlier and had looked after her Pilate says he was a good friend to her. Macon used to carry the motherless Pilate in his arms to the neighboring farm. But Macon is now changed from a nice boy to a stern, greedy and unloving man. When Milkman lives at home in Michigan, he perceives the world in the same materialistic terms that are similar to his fathers. In the second part of the novel, his search for gold leads him to Virginia. This is an indication that he wants to escape from his past and achieve a sense of identity only by finding material treasure. He assumes that his trip south holds the key to his liberation. But it is not the gold that saves him. Milkmans mental development rests partly on his understanding of the ways in which his life is connected to others experiences, and partly on establishing an intimate connection with the land and life of his ancestors. These understandings lead to his greater achievement of learning to complete, understand, and sing the song that contains the history of his family. The character of Milkman undergoes change over time. Initially, Milkmans treatment of his friends and relatives is appalling, and he hurts everyone around him. This is shown in detail through Milk mans treatment of Hagar. The sexual relationship between Milkman and his cousin Hagar is doomed at the start since it breaks this African cultural practice. Milkman loves Hagar at first sight and wants to get to know her better. After many years in which they have sex and are very close, Milkman then drops her and goes after younger girls. It seems as though his desire was not a fulfilling relationship and one that

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

the scarlet letter Essay Example

the scarlet letter Essay In The Scarlet Letter the author uses several symbolic things.He uses the rose bush that is in the midst of all the grayness.Pearl, Hesters daughter is also a symbol.The scarlet A that Hester has to wear is a symbol that she is an adulteress.The author goes on to describe these in great detail. The setting in this puritan town, Boston, the author describes everything as being gray.Everything sounds so depressing, but he talks about this rose bush right next to the prison. It symbolizes that nature has some kind of sympathy for these criminals.The rose bush is so beautiful, yet it is outside of a prison. Hester had a daughter, Pearl.Pearl is a child of Dimmesdale, which is not Hesters husband.Pearl is very beautiful, yet she is often referred to as a demon child. Pearl is very violent, she throws rocks at the other kids.She is symbolic because she was conceived in a very ugly situation, but she is a very beautiful kid. Another symbolic thing is the scarlet A that Hester has to wear .She wears it to let everybodyknow that she is an adulteress.An A on her clothes changes the way people think of Hester.Something so insignificant such as a piece of cloth changes a whole life and causes a whole lifetime of pain and suffering.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Free Essays on Inventions

Jeans, remote controls, cars, contact lens; these are basic everyday objects in our world today, but what about in the past? People didn’t have the stuff we have today. Those of you who’s read about history would know that life was more difficult back in the day. Many people wanted life to be more easy rather than such a hassle, and that’s when inventions began. But, what could they invent that would change the way we live our life. Of course, someone had to come up with a bright idea to invent our everyday-use-items, right? So with that in mind, I’m going to talk about the history in which inventions began to emerge. Why do many people wear blue jeans? Blue jeans were first made over 150 years ago. In 1850, the California gold rush was in full swing, and everyday items were in short supply. Levi Strauss, a 20-year-old Bavarian immigrant, left New York for San Francisco with a small supply of dry goods. Shortly after his arrival, a prospector wanted to know what Mr. Strauss was selling. When Strauss told him he had rough canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the prospector said, "You should have brought pants!," saying he couldn’t find a pair of pants strong enough to last. Strauss had the canvas made into pants. Miners liked the pants, but complained that they tended to chafe. Levi Strauss substituted a twilled cotton cloth from France called "serge de Nimes," which became known as denim. In 1873, Levi Strauss & Co. began using the pocket stitch design. The two-horse brand design was first used in 1886. The red tab attached to the left rear pocket was created in 1936 as a means of id entifying Levi’s jeans at a distance. If you were to invent something, would you have thought of making something such as Velcro. One lovely summer day in 1948, a Swiss amateur-mountaineer and inventor decided to take his dog for a nature hike. The man and his faithful companion both returned home covered with burrs, the plant seed-sacs... Free Essays on Inventions Free Essays on Inventions Jeans, remote controls, cars, contact lens; these are basic everyday objects in our world today, but what about in the past? People didn’t have the stuff we have today. Those of you who’s read about history would know that life was more difficult back in the day. Many people wanted life to be more easy rather than such a hassle, and that’s when inventions began. But, what could they invent that would change the way we live our life. Of course, someone had to come up with a bright idea to invent our everyday-use-items, right? So with that in mind, I’m going to talk about the history in which inventions began to emerge. Why do many people wear blue jeans? Blue jeans were first made over 150 years ago. In 1850, the California gold rush was in full swing, and everyday items were in short supply. Levi Strauss, a 20-year-old Bavarian immigrant, left New York for San Francisco with a small supply of dry goods. Shortly after his arrival, a prospector wanted to know what Mr. Strauss was selling. When Strauss told him he had rough canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the prospector said, "You should have brought pants!," saying he couldn’t find a pair of pants strong enough to last. Strauss had the canvas made into pants. Miners liked the pants, but complained that they tended to chafe. Levi Strauss substituted a twilled cotton cloth from France called "serge de Nimes," which became known as denim. In 1873, Levi Strauss & Co. began using the pocket stitch design. The two-horse brand design was first used in 1886. The red tab attached to the left rear pocket was created in 1936 as a means of id entifying Levi’s jeans at a distance. If you were to invent something, would you have thought of making something such as Velcro. One lovely summer day in 1948, a Swiss amateur-mountaineer and inventor decided to take his dog for a nature hike. The man and his faithful companion both returned home covered with burrs, the plant seed-sacs...

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Banana Mango Puto Essay Sample

Electricity is the physical phenomena originating from the behavior of negatrons and protons caused by the attractive force of atoms with opposite charges and the repulsive force of atoms with the same charge. Electricity from a lemon is possible to acquire electricity from a lemon utilizing strips of metal. The most readily available combination is copper and Zn. The Zn piece can be taken from the shell of an old C â€Å"D† cell ( battery ) ; some Zn coated nails may work every bit good. The Cu can be a coin incorporating a high sum of Cu. They are stuck into the lemon. and wires are attached to each 1. The wires should be attached firmly to organize a good electrical contact. If the other terminals of the wires are attached to a little bulb ( flashlight bulb ) there should be sufficient current to illume it. Note that the metal pieces should be clean. and that they should non touch inside the lemon. The electric current comes from the chemical reaction between the acid in the lemon and the Zn. Positively charged H in the acid oxidizes the Zn. doing negatrons to flux from the Zn to the acid. In the procedure. some of the H in the acid is reduced to hydrogen gas. The Cu simply completes the circuits. Aims* To detect what is go oning when the two wires join together.* To be able to build a Lemon battery. Statement of the job* How can the lemon electricity help us in our day-to-day lives? Hypothesisa. Alternate Hypothesis* It can succor the community to provide more electricity. b. Null Hypothesis* It can’t succour the community to provide more electricity. Importance of the surveyElectricity has been portion of our lives. It has brought many things that certainly have made many admirations and life would look so hard without it. Electricity powers our visible radiation. warming. electronic contraptions such as computing machines and telecasting. and a host of indispensable services that we take for granted. However. electricity has much more of import facets because it is a cardinal characteristic of all affair. Electricity is the force that holds together the molecules and atoms of all substances. The type of electricity that is most familiar to us is electrical current. This is the flow of electrical charges through a substance called a music director such as a metal wire. This flow happens because some of the negatively charge negatrons circling the karyon of the music directors are held slackly. The negatrons can travel from one atom to the following. bring forthing and electrical current. Scope and RestrictionsIn speaking about our subject. the LEMON BATTERY. it states that the experiment is all about electricity. Therefore. it points out electrical current. positively charge protons. negatively charged negatrons. Talking about lemon. lemon is a fruit that can bring forth certain electricity like torch bulbs. Lemon Battery explains how to decrease the usage of electricity that comes from other music directors. This experiment can able to demo what the kernel of lemon in making electricity is. Definition of footingsLemon ( Citrus ? limon ) is a little evergreen tree indigen to Asia. and the tree’s ellipsoidal xanthous fruit. The fruit’s juice. mush and Peel. particularly the zest. are used as nutrients. The juice of the lemon is about 5 % to 6 % citric acid. which gives lemons a rancid gustatory sensation. The typical rancid gustatory sensation of lemon juice makes it a cardinal ingredient in drinks and nutrients such as lemonade. * In our experiment. lemon is used to be the music director to bring forth electricityto a little bulb. Multi-tester -Or millimeter is a device which can be used to garner informations about electrical circuits. A basic multitester can mensurate opposition. electromotive force. and continuity ; while more advanced versions may be able to supply extra informations. -it helps the user to mensurate the electric current of the lemon. Wire-is a individual. normally cylindrical. flexible strand or rod of metal. Wires are used to bear mechanical tonss and to transport electricity and telecommunications signals. Wire is normally formed by pulling the metal through a hole in a dice or draw home base. Standard sizes are determined by assorted wire gages. The term wire is besides used more slackly to mention to a package of such strands. as in ‘multi-stranded wire’ . which is more right termed a wire rope in mechanics. or a overseas telegram in electricity. * It maps as the manner of electricity to go through traveling to the bulb.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Analyse the organisational behaviour issues that contributed to the Assignment

Analyse the organisational behaviour issues that contributed to the leadership challenges at HP - Assignment Example HP began humbly at the back of its entrepreneur’s garage. Engineers David Packard and Bill Hewlett established an unconventional company in the 1950s. They wanted to build a business environment in which members were free to express their ideas and make contributions; they thus created a flat structure. Many individuals in Silicon Valley praised the organisation for its revolutionary ways. During the mid 1990s, employees had a profound respect for the institution. They carried on with their jobs despite the tumultuous environment that pervaded the IT industry. Several individuals felt loyal to the organisation even though the company had to subject them to pay cuts. Members trusted the company’s leaders as strong levels of communication existed in the organisation. These trends altered dramatically when the company decided to hire an external executive for the first time in the late 1990s. The move was initiated by the departing CEO who felt that HP had become complacen t. Some of its competitors in Silicon Valley were exemplars of innovation and growth. It was assumed that an external leader would inject the much-needed fresh insight into the company. However, such a move proved to be ill-conceived because it was the beginning of several tumultuous events in the organisation. At the beginning, CEO Fiorina seemed like a forward-thinker. She initiated various restructures within HP and even lobbied for the acquisition of a competitor - Compaq. The latter move would prove to be her downfall as it failed to yield the expected outcomes. Shortly after a period of disappointing results, Fiorina resigned and made room for Mark Hurd. He was a transformative leader who engaged with his employees. He also supervised a massive layoff and delayered the firm structures. However, he was involved in a personal scandal that led to his elimination. His replacement, Leo Apotheker, was a pale comparison to Hurd. He failed to improve stock performance and even discont inued winning strategies. The final straw fell when he bought a business analytics company called Autonomy. Stock prices decreased tumultuously thereby signalling his elimination. These leadership challenges were also amalgamated by disputes in the board. The paper will examine organisational behaviour issues that led to the firm’s woes. Analysis of the situation Leadership The situational leadership theory assumes that different situations require different leadership traits. Therefore advocates of the school of thought believe that no profile of leadership is perfect for all situations (Hope and Hendry, 1995). Instead, utmost attention should be given to the variables within a certain situation and the right approach selected for them. These variables include the nature of work tasks, peer expectations, other leaders’ expectations, the culture and climate of the organisation, and followers’ responses. In some instances, a leader may need to be a risk taker whi le in some scenarios; the person may have to exhibit nurturing traits (Buchanan and Boddy, 1992). Sometimes it may be preferable to be charismatic while in some situations it would be best to focus on results. Hewlett Packard may have benefited from applications of situational approaches to leadership during the three tenures under analysis. CEO Carl Fiorina appeared to apply the same leadership traits in divergent situations and this could have explained her dissatisfactory performance. She was highly transformative; as soon as she

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Anselm of Canterbury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Anselm of Canterbury - Essay Example God â€Å"cannot be even thought of as not existing† (Anselm, 360). Having made the existence of God a given, Anselm defines God as the greatest thing that can be thought of. God is superlative, because the human mind, created by God, cannot conceive of anything greater than its creator, who exists eternally throughout the ages. The rest of his argument proceeds from this definition. If the perfection of God is not accepted, Anselm’s argument does not hold. God exists in understanding, because the concept of God as â€Å"something than which nothing greater than be thought of† can be understood. Something which exists in reality is greater than something which exists only in understanding. If God exists only in understanding, he cannot be the greatest. Since Anselm has established that God is the greatest, and nothing can be greater than God, if follows that God must exist in reality. Therefore, Anselm’s conception of God as the greatest, as Perfect, is the very foundation of his argument for God’s existence. If Anselm’s belief in the ‘Perfect God’ is discarded, his ‘proof’ of God’s existence must be discarded along with

Friday, January 24, 2020

Search for Identity in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club Essay -- Joy Luck C

Search for Identity in The Joy Luck Club "Imagine, a daughter not knowing her own mother!" And then it occurs to me. They are frightened. In me, they see their own daughters, just as ignorant, just as unmindful of all truths and hopes they have brought to America. They see daughters who grow impatient when their mothers talk in Chinese, who think they are stupid when they explain things in fractured English. (Tan 40-41) Amy Tan frames The Joy Luck Club with Jing-mei Woo's search for identity. When Jing-mei's mother's friends tell Jing-mei that her sisters have at long last been found and insist that she tell her sisters about their mother's life, Jing-mei emotionally replies that she does not know her mother. However, her mother's friends' generosity helps Jing-mei to realize how much she wishes that she had understood her mother, how desperately she would like to question her if only she could. It is in this moment that Jing-mei recognizes the necessity of understanding her mother's life in order both to figure out who her mother was and to understand herself. Jing-mei's placement at the mah jong table already suggests a link between Jing-mei and her mother that parallels Jing-mei's position in the rest of the novel, for wherever Suyuan should be telling her story, it is told through the voice of Jing-mei instead. While Suyuan should be the one to reconcile with her lost daughters, Jing-mei will go in her place. This planned act of reconciliation where Jing-mei will fulfill her mother's dream foreshadows the other mother-daughter stories in the novel where An-mei, Lindo, and Ying-ying are just as eager to reclaim their daughters as Suyuan, in order to help in their daughters' struggles ... ...perately to connect with her mother. In her quest to close the cultural gap between her Chinese heritage and her American upbringing, she questions what it means to be Chinese. Suffering from a disadvantage compared to the other daughters in the story, since her mother is dead, Jing-mei struggles to remember the foods her mother cooked, her relatives' names, and the stories her mother told. However, it is when Jing-mei finally embraces her sisters, and they observe in the polaroid shot how they all look like their mother, that it occurs to Jing-mei that her family is the part of her that is Chinese. Therefore, in order to understand that part of her identity, she must embrace the memory of her dead mother. With the sisters linked by their mother in their family likeness, the photograph symbolically reconciles the two generations, as well as the two cultures.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Barnes and Noble Business Assessment

Barnes and Noble Booksellers MGT 499 Barnes and Noble was acquired by Leonard Riggio in 1974 after they had fallen into decline. He started his career selling books early in his college career when he founded the Student Book Exchange or SBX. Once purchasing the rights to the name he quickly began transformations on the once giant retailer, making it into his dream, the worlds largest book store. In addition to all the Barnes and Nobles around today, Mr. Riggio also owns an operates over 600 college campus bookstores, like the one at Wright State University, which is where over 4 million students and 250,000 faculty members buy their books.Internal Environment Barnes and Noble has many strengths which are quickly fading in the ever changing book market. When individuals think of a bookstore these days, typically two come to mind first, Barnes and Noble and their now dead competitor Borders. They had and still have the great strength of partnering with College Campus’s to opera te their bookstores which allows them to connect with the consumers who typically spend the most on books (textbooks). With this being said, we also need to point out Barnes and Noble’s weaknesses.This can be summed up by saying that their lack of innovation failed to keep up with consumer trends and the changing market. Barnes and Noble is now trying to compete in the technology market by the creation and selling of their Nook, which is essentially an IPad where you can download and read books electronically. Barnes and Noble’s current leadership team consist of: Leonard Riggio- Founder and Chairman William Lynch – CEO Michael P. Huseby – Chief Financial Officer Chris Trola – Chief Information Officer Mary Ellen Keating- Senior VP of Corporate Communication and Public AffairsCompetitive ConsequencesPerformance ImplicationsValuableRate Non SubstitutableCostly to Imitate Sustainable C. A. AARNoYesNoYes Temporary C. A. Avg – AARYesYesYes/NoYes Competitive ParityAvg ReturnYesYesYes/NoNo Competitive DisadvantageBelow Avg ReturnNoNoYes/NoNo Mergers and Acquisitions Barnes and Noble has had several mergers and acquisitions, but only a few are extremely important when we look at the financial impact and operations impact they had on the company. In 1987, it purchased B. Dalton Bookseller from Dayton Hudson.This acquisition of 797 retail bookstores made it Barnes and Nobles largest acquisition and opened consumers eyes across the nation to the then second largest bookseller in the United States. Another major one that hit news headlines was in 1999 when Barnes and Noble acquired Babbage’s Ect. , which is now known as GameStop. Barnes and Noble had control of GameStop until 2004 when the game store bought back 6 million shares from the bookstore to gain its independence. The next and most important acquisition occurred in March of 2009 when Barnes and Noble acquired a company called fictionwise which is now known as eBoo k marketplace.This was the first step they made into the digital world of books with their Nook. This was by far their most important acquisition because it was an attempt to meet the demands of the ever changing market by inserting themselves into the digital book market place. The External Environment When talking about the external environment in terms of Barnes and Noble, the company has many strengths and weaknesses. Starting with the demographics, Barnes and Noble attracts a wide range of consumers, from students to elderly for either educational purposes or recreational purposes.The wide range of demographics is because most consumers either have to read for school or like to read for recreation or entertainment. Today, the retail stores draw mainly an older audience while the stores on college campuses attract mainly just college students. The economics of Barnes and Noble go hand and hand with the sales of the company. Not to long ago there was a rumor that Barnes and Noble was going to be bought out by a company named Liberty which causes the stock to spike 30% in one day. It soon there after returned to its $14 dollar range, which was a 16% decrease from previous years caused by the company announcing a . 6 million dollar loss.. There are also other factors at work in the market that are affecting Barnes and Noble negatively. One of the biggest players that impact B and N is Amazon, and their online, digital marketplace of books where the consumer and compare prices and find the cheapest option. Barnes and Noble has struggled to compete and overcome this obstacle since a majority of their previous consumers are now looking in their stores then going to the internet and Amazon to find cheaper prices. When it comes to bargaining power, Barnes and Noble is between a rock and a hard place.They would love to compete with the low prices their competitors offer, but cannot drop below certain prices because they must have some sort of profit margin on the s ale of their books after the authors take their cuts. Competition Barnes and Noble has millions of competitors because anyone with a computer can put a book on the internet to sell these days. However, this being said, there are a few formal competitors out there that greatly impact Barnes and Noble and their bottom-line. The biggest competitor is by far Amazon.Amazon is an online giant that sellers and buyers can place all of their new and used books on the market at their own set prices. This allows a consumer to â€Å"shop† for the cheapest price for the quality of book they desire to purchase. This was one of the major reasons a previous competitor in the industry, Borders, closed its doors not to long ago. Barnes and Noble has identified that they are in a changing market and that they need to adapt to the changes being made around them. This was the goal of the launch of the Nook in 2010.The Nook is a digital tablet that operates on Android software that gives access to the eBook Marketplace. This allows consumers to purchase books at cheaper prices and have them downloaded directly to their tablet for easy reading. Launching the Nook took Barnes and Noble into a different field which they had not previously experienced with other competitors. Now in addition to competing with retail bookstores, Barnes and Noble is also competing with Apple’s IPad, Amazon’s Kindle, RIM’s BlackBerry Tablet, and all other technology companies who are launching their tablet style computers onto the market.So now Barnes and Noble is competing with Apple, Amazon, RIM, EBAY and thousand of other smaller retailers. That is not a group I would like to be competing against. Barnes and Noble’s Struggles On October 29 of 2011, Barnes and Noble announced it 6. 6 million dollar loss or 17 cents per share to the public. This was just months after their biggest competitor in the retail side of the business closed. Some would think the closing of Borde rs would allow Barnes and Noble to grow, but the decline across the table shows that bookstores are a dying industry, and one that a smart investor would most likely not invest in.Fastforward a year to 2012. Barnes and Noble announced that it was projecting a loss of between $1. 10 and $1. 40 per share. As of late Barnes and Noble has been pumping money into the development and marketing of its Nook, the electronic book of the future. The question that needs to be asked here though is can the Nook really support an entire company with it having to compete against the IPad and the Kindle? Although the Nook has created the greatest revenue for the company, it is really all it has going for it.Liberty Technology offered to buy Barnes and Noble for a whopping 1. 03 billion dollars, this just to acquire the rights to the Nook which Barnes and Noble promptly turned down. But although the company is making money selling this tablet, the gap between the number of IPad users and Kindle users compared to Nook users is growing wider every day. Corporate Level Strategy Barnes and Noble’s strategy is extremely easy, offer customers inexpensive books. This is the cost leadership and a differentiation strategy that we learned in class.Barnes and Noble found a hole in the retail bookstore industry, which focused on bigger named, and newer types of books and well known authors that topped the best sellers list, that the bookstores then sold at a extremely high costs. The best seller books were not sources for great gain for Barnes and Noble though. Barnes and Noble found, that the customers wanted inexpensive books, regardless of author of rank on the best selling list. By publishing books internally through their company they were able to increase their profits.Differentiation was also prevalent in the cost leadership strategy because of the companies intense focus on the outside of the top seller list which only accounted for 3% of the companies Today however, althoug h the retail side of the industries corporate level strategy remains the same, the insertion of the Nook has caused the company to take is cost leadership and differentiation strategy and focus it toward the online eBooks marketplace, selling those cheap books through a digital market. International strategyBarnes and Noble has 691 stores covering all 50 states and 641 stores on college campuses, but has no stores in other countries. At this time is has no intention of spreading globally and says that it meets the demand of the international markets by its website. Recommendation Moving Forward At this point in time I believe the best strategy for Barnes and Noble would be to sell off the company to a company like Liberty to maximize profit for the stockholders. Although their current business strategy with the Nook is succeeding, that piece of technology does not have the capability to support an entire company by itself.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Media s Influence On The Media - 1538 Words

Media The media has a strong influence on how societies receive and react to the context of the messages that the media displays to the public. From Disney movies on up to horror films there’s a plot that each film is trying to accomplish. The controversial issue comes into play based on how the film messages are portrayed. Films that use racial humor harm the particular race that the films are depicting. Films with racial humor that is enhanced to be seen as acceptable creates prejudge mental labels for certain races. The viewers of these films are more likely to view these stereotypes portrayed in the media as facts about whatever race that is being critically represented. Films that are created with this line of content harms individuals credibility based on the racial group they belong to. This harms a potential interaction of individual of certain races due to the knowledge they receive about that racial group through the media. The media sets the tone of our cultural experien ces before they occur this happens within advertisements and movies. These storylines help to created trend and beliefs that might not be true or affective. These cause viewers who haven’t interacted with certain racial groups before to believe these stereotypes to be a reality versus that of a stereotype due to their lack of personal knowledge of how different cultures actually act. Research The research done to conduct this paper used three peer reviewed articles to analyze the effects ofShow MoreRelatedMedia s Influence On The Media1637 Words   |  7 Pagesdisplayed in the mass media is conditioned by wealth and power, so as a result of the concentration of power and the official censorship done by the government and corporate sources; the media follows the ideas of the elite. In order to deliver messages that support the elite’s beliefs, the media goes through five different filters that determine the information presented, this are ownership of media, funding, sourcing, flak, and fear. First, when referring to the ownership of media, it is importantRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Media Essay1606 Words   |  7 PagesLusby English composition 12/1/2016 The Media s Influence    Can the media really persuade you into thinking a way about a person you have not even meet? The media can make influence you into thinking a certain way about some and also influence a choice that you could have to make about them that could change their life forever. To prove this I have researched into articles that could help me prove that the media can influence these things. First the media in the form of television can give you aRead MoreMedia s Influence On Media2111 Words   |  9 Pagestoday is communicated through media. Media is the most powerful and influential force in the country. The media are powerful agents of socialization and they set the standard that majority follow. The power giving to American media has allowed them to be very effective using propaganda as strategy, the media tend to say they serve to relieve social conflicts into minimum. We clearly see that the media promote social conflicts by separating class. The image that media has created in the mind of massesRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media892 Words   |  4 Pages In today’s culture, it’s hard not to come across some form of media, whether that is an advertisement on a roadway, a commercial on the television, or even an ad on the portable games you play on your phone. The average 8-18-year-old experiences about 7.5 hours of some form of media a day. [1] Out of the 24 hours in a day over a quarter of it is spent looking at or listening to advertisements for products, the news, video games, television, movies, music, books, and the internet. A common way toRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media1977 Words   |  8 Pagespushes their political view. News viewers tend to be oblivious when it comes to bias in the media because they would rather hear what they believe is right. There are many ways to find truth in journalism that everyone needs to be aware of for example, going to more than one source and conducting a SMELL test. Biased media has made a big impact on it’s viewers, creating a big division between the two sides. Media plays a big part on how people get everyday news, but ultimately, it is up to the viewerRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media1986 Words   |  8 PagesWe are a world that revolves around our media outlets. This is because we depend on them to give to us the information that we need to be able to live our daily lives. Whether it is the news on politics or just events that are happening around your area. The real question though is has news changed? And the follow up question to that would be; how do historians think news has changed? The news media has changed throughout history because of the rise of technology. It is now possible to reach peopleRead MoreMedia s Influence On Media1928 Words   |  8 Pages V. New Media In the course of the most recent couple of decades, the media scene has changed drastically. The most essential change is from an old media model of television to another media model of narrowcasting. TV alludes to media speaking to the overall population and is exemplified by system TV, radio, and daily papers. Narrowcasting, made conceivable by television networks, Internet, and satellite radio, is focused to particular gatherings of people. The new media have various essentialRead MoreMedia s Influence On Media1543 Words   |  7 PagesSocial media publicizes a substantial amount of messages about identity and acceptable ways to express gender, sexuality and ones lifestyle, but at the same time, the viewers have their own differing feelings about the issues. The media may suggest certain feelings and actions, but the audiences feelings can never overpower self-expression completely. The media portrays certain things because it is what is being accepted. Neither parties, these being the media and its audience, have full power overRead MoreMedia s Influence On Media1703 Words   |  7 Pagescentury, mass media became widely recognized. In a period of mass availability, people today have entry to more media outlets than ever before. According to media scholar Jean Kilbourne,â€Å"the average American is exposed to over 3,000 advertisements a day and watches three years’ worth of television ads over the course of a lifetime† (back cover). It is all around us, from the shows we watch on television, the music we listen to on the radio, and to the books and magazines we read each day. Media is the numberRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media Essay1172 Words   |  5 PagesMass media has a very influential part in today’s society. Consisting of radio broadcasting, books, the Internet, and television they allow information and entertainment to travel at a fast pace as well to a vast audience. This vast majority of information can easily manipulate and or persuade people to have certain stereotypes on specific genders. TV commercials are one of the most influential structures in the media. Looking back 20 to 30 years, stereotypes were clearly welcomed on TV and in